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ActionMenuActivity - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
Activity that implements an action menu.
ActionMenuActivity() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
ActionMenuBar - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
ActionMenuBar(Context) - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
ActionMenuBar(Context, ActionMenuDelegate) - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
ActionMenuFragment - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
ActionMenuFragment() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
ActionMenuView - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
Instance of an ActionMenu that is attached to a View Note: An instance of an Activity is not needed at any point for this ActionMenu to function.
ActionMenuView(Context, View) - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
General constructor
alwaysShowActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Determines if the action menu is shown always or only after user interaction.
alwaysShowActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Determines if the action menu is shown always or only after user interaction.
alwaysShowActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Determines if the action menu is shown always or only after user interaction.


closeActionMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Programmatically closes the action menu.
closeActionMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Programmatically closes the action menu.
closeActionMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Programmatically closes the action menu.
com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu - package com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu


DefaultActionMenuItemView - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
DefaultActionMenuItemView(Context) - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity


getActionMenuGravity() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Determines the gravity of the action menu.
getActionMenuGravity() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Determines the gravity of the action menu.
getActionMenuGravity() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Determines the gravity of the action menu.
getContext() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
getContext() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
getContext() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
getCurrentMenuIndex() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Retrieve the index in the menu for the currently selected MenuItem.
getDefaultAction() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Determines the default action item that will be selected when the action menu displays.
getDefaultAction() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Determines the default action item that will be selected when the action menu displays.
getDefaultAction() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Determines the default action item that will be selected when the action menu displays.
getDefaultActionId() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Allows subclasses to specify the default item in the menu based on id.
getDefaultActionId() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Allows subclasses to specify the default item in the menu based on id.
getDefaultActionId() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Allows subclasses to specify the default item in the menu based on id.
getIconTintColor(Context) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
getMenuItemIndex(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Retrieve the index in the menu for a specific MenuItem.
getMenuItemIndex(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Retrieve the index in the menu for a specific MenuItem
getMenuItemIndex(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Retrieve the index in the menu for a specific MenuItem


icon - Variable in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
interceptAllTouches() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Determines if all touch events in the activity will be intercepted by the action menu.
invalidateActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Declare that the action menu has changed, so should be recreated.
invalidateActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Declare that the action menu has changed, so should be recreated.
invalidateActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Declare that the action menu has changed, so should be recreated.


MenuItemHelper - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
MenuItemHelper() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.MenuItemHelper
mSwitch - Variable in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView
mTitle - Variable in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView


onActionItemFocused(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
This hook is called whenever the focused item in your action menu changes.
onActionItemFocused(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
This hook is called whenever the focused item in your action menu changes.
onActionItemFocused(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
This hook is called whenever the focused item in your action menu changes.
onActionItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
This hook is called whenever an item in your action menu is selected.
onActionItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
This hook is called whenever an item in your action menu is selected.
onActionItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
This hook is called whenever an item in your action menu is selected.
onActionMenuClosed() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Called when the action menu is dismissed via a two-finger tap gesture.
onActionMenuClosed() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Called when the action menu is dismissed via a two-finger tap gesture.
onActionMenuItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onActionMenuItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onActionMenuItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onCreateActionMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Initialize the contents of the Activity's action menu.
onCreateActionMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Initialize the contents of the Activity's action menu.
onCreateActionMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Initialize the contents of the Activity's action menu.
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
onItemUpdated(ActionMenuItem) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
onKey(View, int, KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
onPause() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onPause() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onPrepareActionMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Prepare the Screen's action menu to be displayed.
onPrepareActionMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Prepare the Screen's action menu to be displayed.
onPrepareActionMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Prepare the Screen's action menu to be displayed.
onRefreshItems() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
onResume() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onResume() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
onTouch(View, MotionEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
openActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Programmatically opens the action menu.
openActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Programmatically opens the action menu.
openActionMenu() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Programmatically opens the action menu.
openActionMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Programmatically opens the action menu.
openActionMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Programmatically opens the action menu.
openActionMenu(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Programmatically opens the action menu.


setActionMenu(ActionMenu) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuBar
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView
setCurrentMenuIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Programmatically set a specific index to be the currently selected item.
setCurrentMenuIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Programmatically set a specific index to be the currently selected item.
setCurrentMenuItem(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Programmatically set a specific MenuItem to be the currently selected item.
setCurrentMenuItem(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Programmatically set a specific MenuItem to be the currently selected item.
setCurrentMenuItem(MenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuView
Programmatically set a specific MenuItem to be the currently selected item.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView
setIcon(Drawable) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView
setSpeechEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuActivity
Sets whether action menu items will automatically be registered with the speech recognition service.
setSpeechEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.ActionMenuFragment
Sets whether action menu items will automatically be registered with the speech recognition service.
setSpeechPhrase(MenuItem, CharSequence) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.MenuItemHelper
Specifies a custom speech phrase used to trigger the menu item.
setTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
setTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView
Helper method to set the title of the FrameLayout
SwitchActionMenuItemView - Class in com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu
FrameLayout with a switch enabled within
SwitchActionMenuItemView(Context) - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.SwitchActionMenuItemView


title - Variable in class com.vuzix.hud.actionmenu.DefaultActionMenuItemView
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