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canControlTouchPad() - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Returns if the touchpad can be controlled on the device
com.vuzix.hud.resources - package com.vuzix.hud.resources


DetailsActivity - Class in com.vuzix.hud.resources
Abstract class for showing Key and Value pairs
DetailsActivity() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DetailsActivity
DEVICE_MODEL_BLADE - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
The Vuzix Blade hardware (does not include speakers)
DEVICE_MODEL_BLADE_2 - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Vuzix Blade 2
DEVICE_MODEL_BLADE_REV_2020 - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
The Vuzix Blade Upgraded hardware with built-in speakers.
DEVICE_MODEL_M300 - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Vuzix M300
DEVICE_MODEL_M400 - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Vuzix M400
DEVICE_MODEL_M4000 - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Vuzix M4000
DEVICE_MODEL_SHIELD - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Vuzix Shield
DEVICE_MODEL_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
The device type cannot be determined by this SDK version
DEVICE_MODEL_UNKOWN - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
DynamicThemeActivity - Class in com.vuzix.hud.resources
DynamicThemeActivity is a base class for all activities that support dynamic themes.
DynamicThemeActivity() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeActivity
DynamicThemeApplication - Class in com.vuzix.hud.resources
DynamicThemeApplication is a base class for any app that needs to change themes dynamically as the UI display mode changes.
DynamicThemeApplication() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeApplication


EXTRA_DETAILS_BUNDLE - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DetailsActivity
Not required by 3rd parties


getCurrentTouchPadState(Context) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Get the current touchpad mode state
getDisplayType() - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Retrieve the display type for the current device Based on the model of the current device, return if this display uses a transparent or occluded display.
getKeyValuePairs() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DetailsActivity
Developer must implement this method to return the pairs
getLightThemeResId() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeApplication
Returns the style resource representing the light theme for this application.
getModelNumber() - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Retrieve the model number for the current device
getNormalThemeResId() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeApplication
Returns the style resource representing the normal theme for this application.


isInputDeviceButtons(InputEvent) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Checks if an input is coming from the device's buttons (as opposed to touchpad, or speech)
isInputDeviceTouchpad(InputEvent) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Checks if an input is coming from the device's touchpad (as opposed to buttons, or speech)
isLightMode() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeApplication
Provides a hint about the type of theme that should be used.
isLightMode(Intent) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeApplication
Determines if the display mode is changing to light mode by examining the provided intent.


OCCLUDED - Enum constant in enum class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils.DisplayType
Occluded displays, where a small viewfinder covers a portion of the wearers view and the real-world content is blocked by the display.
onCreate() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeApplication
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DetailsActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeActivity
onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DetailsActivity


setTouchPadState(Context, int) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Sets the touchpad control state
setTouchPadState(Context, int, Bundle) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
This method should not be used by third parties Sets the touchpad control state, including additional identification information not exposed to 3rd party applications
setTouchpadTrackTouch(Context, boolean) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Enables touchpad touch notifications This will automatically set the touchpad to TOUCHPAD_ENABLE_FOR_GESTURES.
showDetailsSetting(Context, Class, Bundle) - Static method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DetailsActivity
Helper function to call the opening of this setting


TOUCHPAD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Restore the touchpad to the default state for the current hardware platform
TOUCHPAD_DISABLE - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Disable the touchpad (not supported by all platforms)
TOUCHPAD_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
TOUCHPAD_ENABLE_FOR_GESTURES - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Enable the touchpad for gesture (key_event) input
TOUCHPAD_ENABLE_FOR_MOUSE - Static variable in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Enable the touchpad for mouse pointer input
TRANSPARENT - Enum constant in enum class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils.DisplayType
Transparent displays, including waveguides, where the image is projected into the view of the wearer and the real world can be seen behind.


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils.DisplayType
The library cannot determine the type of display.
useDynamicTheme() - Method in class com.vuzix.hud.resources.DynamicThemeActivity
Determines if this activity will use a dynamic theme.
Utils - Class in com.vuzix.hud.resources
Vuzix resources class for miscellaneous utility calls
Utils() - Constructor for class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils
Utils.DisplayType - Enum Class in com.vuzix.hud.resources
Values defining the display type of the Vuzix device


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils.DisplayType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.vuzix.hud.resources.Utils.DisplayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values