Classes for using the barcode scanner in the M400
Location |
This class is deprecated.
As of Scanner 2
Scanner |
This class is deprecated.
As of Scanner 2
Scanner2Constants |
Represents Constants and Parameters used in the bundle to the scanner engine
Scanner2Factory |
ScannerFragment |
ScannerFragment is an easy way to add barcode scanning functionality to your app.
ScannerIntent |
ScannerIntent contains constants useful for performing barcode scanning via an intent.
ScanningRect |
Represents the center portion of an image that will be scanned for barcodes.
ScanResult |
This class is deprecated.
As of Scanner 2
ScanResult2 |
Represents a single barcode located within an image.
BarcodeType |
This enum is deprecated.
As of Scanner 2
BarcodeType2 |
BarcodeType represents the types of barcodes supported by the barcode scanning library.